JTEG Technology Forum: Condition Based Maintenance (CBM+)


1300-1305:          Welcome, Intro & Purpose – Steve McKee (OSD-MR)  Presentation

1305-1309:          Administrative Notes – Debbie Lilu (NCMS)

1309-1335:          CBM+ North Star Road Map – Chuck Collins (LMI)

1335-1400:         1,200 Everactive wireless CBM+ sensors at Odgen Depot – Nickolas King (75 Civil Engineering Group, Hill AFB, UT)  Presentation

1400-1425:         Asset Management Solution – Computerized Maint Mgt Syst & Asset Perf Mgt – Kevin Connell (Engineering USA) Presentation

1425-1450:          “Proof of Concept – Connected Equipment” – David Hunt (Siemens)

1450-1500:         Wrap-Up / Survey – Steve McKee (OSD-MR) Presentation

*Note: All Times are ET



Event:  On 21 June 2022, the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG), in coordination with the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS), hosted a virtual forum on “Condition-Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+)”.

Purpose:  The purpose of this forum was to discuss the challenges and solutions, research and development, and implementation of CBM+ in support of DoD sustainment.

Welcome:  Steve McKee, OSD-MR, welcomed everyone to the forum and provided a brief introduction of the presenters and emphasized the significance, challenges and impact that CBM+ innovations have within the DoD sustainment community.

Administrative:  This was an open forum. The presentations, along with questions and answers, were conducted through Adobe Connect. Two of the presentations were available online during the forum.  Efforts continue to get all the presentations cleared to post on the JTEG website at: https://jteg.ncms.org/. A separate audio line was used. We had approximately 60 participants from across DOD, industry, and academia join in the forum.

CBM+ North Star Road Map – Chuck Collins (LMI), provided an introduction and overview of CBM+ and predictive maintenance, noting that they fall within the reliability centered maintenance. He discussed CBM+’s benefits and how important it is to determine and measure those benefits whether they are cost effectiveness, equipment readiness, or training. He then described the North Star Road Map and how it will morph over time as we move through the steps towards the objective to maximize asset visibility. The road map is an aligned understanding across the military Services and DoD consisting of phases to maximize capability, lines of effort that transcend beyond technology (i.e., How do we communicate the effort to each sector, leadership support, and the continuity of effort).


Asset Management Solution – Computerized Maintenance Management System & Asset Performance Management – Kevin Connell (Engineering USA), described the use of simulations for predictive maintenance models. He noted that predictive maintenance models require long lead times and may face accuracy challenges. Simulation, with artificial intelligence, uses a 3D digital model and machine history to automate scenarios which can predict maintenance needs. He described how a predictive maintenance simulation works by using historic data, digital models, software, and human expertise, to reduce timelines, improve accuracy, and reduce costs. He reinforced his discussion with a case study on “marine shaft anomaly and resolution that resulted in

Everactive wireless CBM+ sensors at Odgen Depot – Nickolas King (75 Civil Engineering Group, Hill AFB, UT) provided a presentation on a Hill AFB SBIR Phase II project on Everactive batteryless/wireless sensors that provide pervasive remote monitoring. Benefits include continuous data streams, maintenance free devices, easy-to-install hardware, and easy-to-use software. He discussed the capability to perform 24/7 machine health monitoring with self-sustaining sensors and described their demonstrated application for steam trap monitoring, the savings achieved, and examples of monitoring results that enabled quick resolutions and avoidance of expensive repairs and stoppages.


“Proof of Concept – Connected Equipment at NNSY” – David Hunt (Siemens), described the goals as: 1) Assess the feasibility of connecting industrial plant equipment and extracting data to measure maintenance and utilization data, 2) Start to develop a set of metrics from all possible data collected, 3) Transfer the raw data sets/metrics to the SEA03 and Jupiter One cloud

Environments, 4) Start to define a way for the US Navy to measure maintenance capacity

automatically, and 5) Start the cultural change to digitization. He described the current methods of data transfer and manual metrics calculation, and how those would change in a future state consisting of connected equipment, automated rollup of each activity’s metrics, and dashboard possibilities.


Q&A – A Q&A occurred after each briefer finished their presentation. Questions and answers will be posted on the JTEG website with these minutes.


Closing Comments: Steve McKee thanked the presenters and participants for their attendance and all the work being done to support CBM+ innovations in support of DoD sustainment operations.


Action Items: 

  • Obtain copies of remaining cleared presentations once they are approved to post to a public website, and post to the JTEG website at https://jteg.ncms.org/.


Next JTEG Meeting: The next scheduled JTEG virtual forum is 26 July 2022, 1:00 – 3:00 pm EST. The topic is “Expeditionary Repair”.


POC this action is Ray Langlais, rlanglais@lmi.org, (571) 633-8019