JTEG Technology Forum: Cold Spray Repair


1300-1305:     Welcome / Administrative – Ray Langlais (OSD-MR)  Presentation

1305-1309:     Rules of Engagement / Introduction – Janice Bryant (NAVSEA)

1309-1335:    Opening Comments – Panel Members

1335-1430:    Formatted Questions – Panel Members

1430-1450:  Audience Questions – Panel Members / Audience

1450-1455:    Wrap-Up – Steve McKee (OSD-MR)

1455-1500:  Forum Survey – Steve McKee (OSD-MR)



Event:  On 7 June 2022, the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG), in coordination with the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS), hosted a virtual forum on “Cold Spray Repair”.

Purpose:  The purpose of this forum was to discuss the challenges and solutions, research and development, and implementation of cold spray repair innovations in support of DoD sustainment.

Welcome:  Ray Langlais (OSD-MR) welcomed everyone to the forum and previewed the agenda, noting that this forum would be conducted in a “panel-style discussion”. Janice Bryant, NAVSEA, served as the moderator and provided a brief overview of cold spray repair in the DoD.  She then introduced the presenters and each one delivered a three-minute description of their cold spray experience and current efforts underway.

Administrative:  This was an open forum. The presentations, along with questions and answers, were conducted through Adobe Connect. There were no slides used by the presenters.  A list of the panelists will be posted on the JTEG website at: https://jteg.ncms.org/. A separate audio line was used. We had approximately 65 participants from across DOD, industry, and academia join in the forum.

Panel Members

  • Moderator: Janice Bryant (NAVSEA)
  • Industry:
    • Terree Matson (VRC)
    • Aaron Birt (Solvus Global)
    • Karina Flores-Medina & Aniket Patel (ES3)
  • Academia: Tim Eden (PSU-ARL)
  • Navy: Dan Stanley (Norfolk Naval Shipyard)
  • USMC: Bill Baker (LOGCOM)
  • Army: William Greenland & Ashley Filling (LEAD)
  • USAF: Mitch Shedden (RSO) & Dr. Brian James
  • OSD: Christina Maranto (OSD)


The moderator asked each of the panel members questions about their cold spray repair experiences and also took questions from the audience.  Below are a few highlights from the discussions:

  • Several of the panel members discussed cold spray repair methods that have been approved on dozens of repair parts with literally hundreds of potential candidates.
  • Brian James (USAF) mentioned 47 unique repairs and noted an article in Forbes on “ Cold Spray Technology Could Allow Air Force To Quickly Repair Aircraft Parts Instead Of Replacing Them” which can be found at the following link https://www.forbes.com/sites/erictegler/2021/07/28/cold-spray-technology-could-allow–the-air-force-to-repair-instead-of-incessantly-replacing-aircraft-parts/?sh=7c67cabd5b53
  • Ashley Filling (LEAD) identified over a dozen approved cold spray repairs with 50-100 candidates working with PSU/ARL.
  • Karina Flores-Medina (ES3) described their Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program with the U.S. Navy that in Phase I successfully tested a prototype gas mixing system on the VRC Gen III Cold Spray System. Phase II will identify/finalize the test matrix for initial testing requirements for up to three cold spray systems, multiple powders, and two substrates.
  • Aaron Birt (Solvus Global) commented on how the cold spray community has taken off and quickly expanded to include expeditionary capabilities and robotics. He mentioned the Cold Spray Action Team (CSAT) 2022 meeting will be a two-day hybrid session offered in-person and online on Tuesday, June 21 and Wednesday, June 22 at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA. For more information or to register go to https://www.coldsprayteam.com/csat-2022 .
  • Christina Maranto (OSD) explained that the Joint Defense Manufacturing Council (JDMC) is a forum for senior leaders across the DoD to collaborate and make recommendations to improve the alignment of resources, prioritize areas of joint challenge, facilitate information sharing on advances and needs in manufacturing, and ultimately shape the manufacturing capabilities of the defense industrial base. Cold spray technology is one of seven manufacturing focus areas in the JDMC.
  • Dan Stanley (Norfolk Naval Shipyard) talked about using higher pressure nitrogen bottles and booster pumps to reduce the amount of bottles used and the time required to change them.

Closing Comments: Steve McKee thanked the presenters and participants for their attendance and all the work being done to support cold spray innovations in support of DoD sustainment operations.

Forum Survey: Following the closing comments, the audience was guided through a quick survey using mentimeter. The audience inputs will be used to select and design future JTEG forums.

Action Items: 

  • Post presenter names on the JTEG website at https://jteg.ncms.org/.

Next JTEG Meeting: The next scheduled JTEG virtual forum is 21 June 2022, 1:00 – 3:00 pm EST. The topic is “Condition Based Maintenance Plus”.

POC this action is Ray Langlais, rlanglais@lmi.org, (571) 633-8019