Enhanced Mx Planning

Project Number (JTEG Assigned) AF-12-0003
Project Title Enhanced Mx Planning
Service Air Force
Command AFMC
Implementation Depot OOALC
Project Lead James L Diamond , DSN 777-5318, 309 MXW/EN
TI Goals Supported P-1, S-2, C-3
Focus Area Electrics, Electrical
Platform General Aircraft
Platform Specific All
Implemented Technology  
Problem Definition Preservation of aircraft structural integrity and effective force management requires improved NDI capabilities
Proposed Solution
  • Phase I – Define requirements for a system of analytical fleet management prediction tools that enhance existing capability;
  • Phase II – Develop and demonstrate analytical tools and aircraft “generic” databases that integrate aging/damage info, usage data, and aircraft structural info to predict force management, risk, life, and durability & damage tolerant analysis (multiple tools developed/demonstrated); Phase III – Deliver enhanced force management systems that can be implemented with existing weapon system force management systems at each center for multiple weapon systems.
Expected Result To anticipate structural failures and effectively manage the fleet requires.
Benefits Provide customers with data and analytical tools to improve their ability to:

  1. anticipate potential structural issues
  2. react to potential structural issues, &
  3. make and execute fleet management decisions.
Unfunded Requirement Yes
Start FY FY12
Completion Date FY12
Implemented No
Comments In the Sustainment Technology Process Roadmap.