JTEG Principals Teleconference Minutes – 7 June 2017

JTEG Principals Teleconference Minutes – 7 June 2017


Attendees included:

Mr. Darren Costine – DLA

Mr. Tim Serafin – NAVAIR

Mr. Jason Valcourt – Army

Ms. Janice Bryant – NAVSEA

Mr. Kurt Doehnert – NAVSEA

Mr. Bill Baker – USMC

Ms. Debbie Lilu – NCMS

Mr. Ray Langlais – LMI


*Not in attendance: A rep from USAF


On 7 June 2017, the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG) Principals and representatives conducted a monthly teleconference. A brief summary of the teleconference follows:


  1. Review Previous Forum:


  1. May 30 – Composite Materials Inspection & Repair: The forum was cancelled due to scheduling conflicts and the inability to present the topics in an open forum.


  1. Discuss upcoming JTEG Technology Forums:
  2. a) Jun 27 – Reverse Engineering, 3D Scanning & Prototyping: The focus is on Reverse Engineering. An abstract was provided prior to the call. The 3D scanning and prototyping should be in context with reverse engineering. The group discussed several potential topics, including:

– Tim stated that Bruce was working on finding possible topics. He would also check with Yogi.

– Kurt and Janice were changing within NAVSEA. He stated they may have something in the area of electronic circuit RE.

– Bill and Jason had nothing to date but would continue to ask.

– Ray will contact the USAF separately.

– Darren discussed RE in connection to additive manufacturing methods other than 3D printing.

  1. b) Jul 25 – Troubleshooting Intermittent & Steady State Electronic Faults: The group briefing discussed the July forum. This will be the 3rd time we visit this topic, so it was stressed to try and find new topics or updates to previously briefed topics. It was pointed out that the aviation communities would carry the bulk of the work going on this area to include USAF and NAVAIR.
  2. Discuss Sustainment Technology Policy
  3. Last month Greg provided an update on STP coordination within OSD. The concept has been received favorably from leadership within L&MR and is gaining traction. No update was available at the time of the call.
  4. d) The group discussed unresolved comments to the DoDI on the associated SD Form 818 (Comments Matrix). Discussions included additions for comments #8 “primary barriers”, and #25 “Acquisition vs sustainment/maintenance focus”. The changes will be added and sent out to the JTEG.


  1. New/Other Business:


  1. a) University Incubator Accelerator Labs: Janice described some of the ongoing efforts and process that occurs at the University of Washington “Incubator Accelerator Lab” designed to assist with speeding up the acquisition process of beneficial innovations, and wanted to ensure everyone knew the capabilities were out there. Among the technologies mentioned was virtual reality and a program called TechStar – described as an “Incubator on steroids” which works to transition new technology to manufacture faster.


Action Items:

  • Identify topics for 27 June forum on Reverse Engineering. The 3D scanning and prototyping should be in context with reverse engineering. (All)
  • Complete edits/comments on the Sustainment Technology draft DoDI and send to JTEG Principals (Ray)


Next Meeting(s):


  • Jun 27 – Reverse Engineering, 3D Scanning & Prototyping Technology Forum
  • July 12– JTEG Principals’ Meeting
  • Jul 25 – Troubleshooting Intermittent & Steady State Electronic Faults Technology Forum


POC this action is Ray Langlais, LMI, rlanglais@lmi.org, (571) 633-8019