Non-Destructive Inspection


Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI)

Note: This is a closed forum. Registration is required to participate in this technology forum.

All industry participants must be DoD Contractors and will need to supply an active Contract Number.  

Finding and identifying hidden flaws in a structure or damage often requires the ability to see through an object or under coating layers. NDI specialists conduct inspections of equipment much like a doctor would inspect someone with a broken bone. They use tools such as x-ray and ultrasound equipment to identify and diagnose defects and cracks without damaging the components. Numerous technologies are used to good advantage, but strengths and weakness are most often application dependent. In addition to the x-ray and ultrasound, NDI technicians use magnetic particles, dye penetrant and eddy current to test aircraft parts for damage and structural integrity. Applications include weld inspection, fatigue crack detection, corrosion detection, bond quality, hidden damage, delamination, and voids. NDI needs are pervasive and cross-service, being required in a cross section of ships, airplanes and ground systems. This technology forum will discuss multiple NDI technologies, novel applications, and emerging trends.


1300-1309:  Welcome and JTEG Background – Greg Kilchenstein (OSD-MPP)

1309-1310:  Administrative Notes – Debbie Lilu (NCMS)

1310-1325:  NDI Overview – Dr. Lew Sloter (OSD-RE) / Dr. Ed Generazio (NASA)

1325-1345:  NAVSEA NDI Overview/Tech Programs – Dr. Kirsten Green (NAVSEA)/ Jason Hence (NAVSEA) / Dr. Ignacio Perez (ONR)

1345-1405:  Air Force NDI Overview/Tech Programs – Mike Paulk (AFLCMC)/ Dr. Eric Lindgren (AFRL)

1405-1425:  Army NDI Overview/Tech Programs – Eric Hoover (RDECOM) / Dr. Charles Pergantis (ARL) / Mr. Marc Pepi (ARL)

1425-1445:  NAVAIR NDI Overview/Tech Programs – Robert Kestler (FRC-E) / Mr. Paul Kulowitch (NAWC)

1445-1455:  USMC NDI Overview/Tech Programs – Bill Baker (MCLB-Albany)

1455-1500:  Wrap-up and JTEG Principals Comments


Each presentation period will be followed by Q&A


Note: This is a closed forum. Registration is required to participate in this technology forum.

All industry participants must be DoD Contractors and will need to supply an active Contract Number.  

Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI)

JTEG Forum Minutes


Event:  On 28 April, 2015, the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG), in coordination with the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS), hosted a virtual forum on “Non-Destructive Evaluation/Inspection (NDE/NDI) and Testing”.

Purpose:  The purpose of the forum was to exchange information on multiple NDI technologies, novel applications, and emerging trends. Information on numerous NDI capabilities and applications were presented by all the military Services, as well as the challenges faced with inserting these new capabilities within the DoD maintenance community.

Welcome: Greg Kilchenstein (OSD(Maintenance), opened the forum with a welcome followed by a brief explanation of the collaborative purpose of the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG) and described the monthly technology forums. Forums are held on the last Tuesday of each month and generally focus on a specific technological capability such as cold spray repair, laser coating removal, and additive manufacturing.

Administrative:  The presentations, along with questions and answers, were conducted through Defense Connect Online (DCO) and an audio line. Over 50 participants from across DoD and industry joined in the forum. Questions were sent through DCO and answered by the presenters during the forum. Those questions not answered due to time constraints were sent to the presenters for follow-up. Due to the sensitive nature of some of the NDI information, this forum was limited to “Distribution D: DOD and U.S. DOD Contractors only”. The forum agenda, a brief summary, and a list of POCs will be posted on the JTEG website at . U.S. DOD employees may request the slides from the POCs listed.

NDI Overview: Dr. Lew Sloter (OSD-RE) presented a brief NDI overview and described some of the coordination processes within the DoD R&E.  For more information, contact Lew at

NAVSEA NDI Overview/Tech Programs: Dr. Kirsten Green (NAVSEA) and Jason Hence (NAVSEA) discussed the successes and challenges of transitioning past, present, and future non-destructive testing (NDT) technologies.  For more information, contact Dr. Kirsten Green at or Jason Hence at .

Air Force NDI Overview/Tech Programs: Mike Paulk (AFLCMC) and Dr. Eric Lindgren (AFRL) discussed the implementation of new NDE/NDI technology and the role of NDI in supporting the Air Force structural integrity program. They described the implementation and transition of several NDI/NDE technologies. For more information contact Mike Paulk at or Dr. Eric Lindgren at .

Army NDI Overview/Tech Programs: Dr. Chuck Pergantis (ARL) presented an NDI overview and Army transition opportunities. He described current NDI practices, detailed several focus areas for wide area inspection applications, and listed some R&D areas. For more information, contact Chuck at .

NAVAIR NDI Overview/Tech Programs: Dr. Ignacio Perez (ONR) and Mr. Paul Kulowitch (NAWC) discussed NAVAIR NDI Transition opportunities. They discussed several NDI technologies to include capabilities associated with composites, corrosion, and specialty coatings. They also discussed future NDI transition challenges and opportunities to include NDI and additive manufacturing. For more information contact Dr. Ignacio Perez at or Paul Kulowitch at

USMC NDI Overview/Tech Programs: Bill Baker (MDMC) and Clark Moose (ARL) discussed crack detection in USMC vehicles. They described several NDI projects, their current status, demonstration results, and the path forward. For more information contact Bill Baker at or Clark Moose at .

Observations & Review: – Greg Kilchenstein and the JTEG Principals provided positive feedback to the presentations emphasizing the importance of sharing these types of technologies across the depots and military services.

Presentation Slides and Questions & Answers: Slides and Q&A from the teleconference will not be posted on the JTEG Website due to distribution restrictions. If you want a copy of the slides, please contact the appropriate presenter.

Next JTEG Meeting: The CTMA Annual Partners Meeting is being conducted on 27-28 May. For more details, go to .The next JTEG virtual forum is 30 June 2015, 1:00-3:00 pm EST. The topic is Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) and Model Base Enterprise (MBE).


POC this action is Ray Langlais, , (571) 633-8019

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