On 29 July the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Maintenance Policy and Programs and the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS), in partnership with the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG), hosted a virtual forum on engine erosion resistant /corrosion resistant (ER/CR) compressor coatings.
The forum began with a brief description of protective coatings to include the latest coating technology referred to as “BlackGold”. These coatings have been extensively tested and are being developed or produced for over a dozen active military programs. The BlackGold is a joint product which is being used by all the Military Services.
The military services provided updates on several programs they are actively working to transition. These programs include ER/CR coatings for gas turbine engines associated with helicopters, fixed wing aircraft and M-1 tanks.
These virtual forums are conducted on a monthly basis with different technology focus areas each month. Check out the JTEG website for upcoming forum topics.
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