Do you have a new technology or innovative process that could improve DoD maintenance efficiencies or effectiveness? We want to hear about it, and if the JTEG principals agree, we will share your technology project or innovative idea across the DoD industrial maintenance enterprise. The JTEG seeks ways to better leverage technology improvements in depot maintenance through collaboration and the exchange of information on new technology, processes, and equipment developments. One of our methods is to post great new ideas to this JTEG website and to actively disseminate these new technologies and ideas within our extended maintenance community.
Follow the simple process/form below to submit your new technology or idea by posting briefings, white papers, quad charts, etc., or a simple paragraph explaining your technology.
Important: Since this website is accessible to the general public, all information submitted for posting must be “Unclassified / For Public Release.”
The JTEG will review each submission prior to posting it on the JTEG website and may contact you for more information.