JTEG Technology Forum: Technology Transition


There are many innovation centers and research labs across DoD and its industry partners that develop promising new technologies with capabilities that meet existing needs in today’s military Services. Often times, these capabilities are successfully demonstrated, but ultimately fail to transition to the military services due to bureaucratic and acquisition obstacles that line the technology adoption process. This forum will look at some of the stakeholders, processes, and communication required to successfully transition technology to the military services. There is no “secret recipe”, however representatives from each of the military services and industry will share some examples of technology transition and highlight some of their organization’s best practices and transition strategies.  Please join us and participate in the exchange of information and ideas.


1300-1309:  Welcome and Overview – Greg Kilchenstein (OSD-MPP)

1309-1310:  Administrative Notes – Ray Langlais (NCMS)

1310-1325:  Sec. 806. of the 2017 NDAA:  “Development, Prototyping, and Deployment of Weapon System Components or Technology” and “Removing Financial Roadblocks” (Greg Kilchenstein / OSD)

1325-1355:  NAVSEA Technology Insertion Program/Process & Examples – Janice Bryant

1355-1425:  AFMC Sustainment Technology Process (STP) – Luke Burke

1425-1455:  NAVAIR Technology Insertion Program/Process & Examples – COMFRC/ FRC-SW

1455-1500:  Wrap-Up



JTEG Forum Minutes

Event:  On 27 February 2018, the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG), in coordination with the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS), hosted a virtual forum on “Technology Transition”.

Purpose:  The purpose of this forum was to look at some of the stakeholders, processes, and communication required to successfully transition technology to the military services. Representatives from each of the military services and industry shared some examples of technology transition and highlighted some of their organization’s best practices and transition strategies.

Welcome: Ray Langlais (LMI) welcomed everyone to the forum, thanked the presenters and all the listeners for their attendance, and briefly reviewed the agenda.

Administrative:  This was an open forum. The presentations, along with questions and answers, were conducted through Adobe Connect. A separate audio line was used. Approximately 45 participants from across DOD and industry joined in the forum.

NAVSEA Tactical Innovation Implementation Lab (TIIL) – Janice Bryant (NAVSEA) discussed the TIIL logic module and how it delivers technology to the field. The model is “design by need” and is begins with capability statements and mission requirements. The first project will be a robotic assessment and repair beginning in March. She described the Tactical Implementation Exercise methodology and cited some examples, and then provided detail on the TIIL mobile implementation teams, which visit the naval shipyards and share information on new tools and processes.

AFMC Sustainment Technology Process (STP) – Chip Mumford / Luke Burke (AFMC) provided some background information on the AFMC STP prioritization to include the factors weighed in ranking AFMC projects. Chip listed the current prioritization criteria to include – cost impact, a clear path defined for deployment of technology, a well-defined timeline, and benefits. He then listed the 43 STP projects from FY15-19, and provided detail on one of the projects, “Evaluate Cold Spray Technology as a Repair Process”.

COMFRC Advanced Technology and Innovation IPT & Technology Transition Examples – Brett Gardner (FRC-SW) provided an overview of the COMFRC ATI IPT, stating the IPT’s intent is to accelerate the development and transition of Advanced and Emerging Technology across the enterprise.  He also described FRC-SW ATI technology transition strategies, which include leveraging subject matter experts and multiple collaboration efforts across the military services, academia, and industry. Lastly, he provided details on two technology transition examples- IFDIS & Slam Stick, that have successfully transitioned and currently in use within FRC-SW.

Closing Comments: Ray Langlais thanked the presenters for their contributions and the audience for their participation. He suggested continuing the information exchange beyond the forum and the importance of collaboration within the DoD maintenance community.


Action Items: 

  • Obtain “public release” versions of the presentations and post to the JTEG website. These meeting minutes, the Q&A, and those briefing slides approved for public release, will be posted on the JTEG website at https://jteg.ncms.org/ . (All presenters, LMI, NCMS)


Next JTEG Meeting: The next scheduled JTEG virtual forum is 27 March, 1:00 – 3:00 pm EST. The topic is “NAVAIR/COMFRC”.


POC this action is Ray Langlais, rlanglais@lmi.org , (571) 633-8019



NAVSEA: Janice Bryant


Q1. How do people get chosen to be on a mobile implementation team?

A1. Each Shipyard identifies the innovators.

Q2. How is the development and the transition funded?

A2. We use a large selection of different funding methods to include OMA, sweep-up, RDTE for design, and we are examining OTA.


AFMC STP: Chip Mumford / Luke Burke


Q1. In ref to criteria what is the ROI range that you are looking for?

A1.  It is not quantitative, but an overall cost impact that we look at.

Q2. In ref to criteria, what is a reasonable timeline?

A2. It depends on the needs in the sustainment area.

Q3. Does the clear defined path include programmed funding?

A3. There is nothing defined programmatically.

Q4. What is the source of funding for projects and transition?  Does this include all ALCs?

A4. Many, some include: SERDP/ESTCP, RIF, SBIR

Q5.  Is this a ranking irrespective of sources/colors of funding? SBIR, RIF, MCT, O&M, RDT&E, DMAG, CIP

A5. Availability of funding is a consideration amongst other criteria.

Q6. Who is presenting the AFMC priorities and cold spray?  Thought it would be good to have the POC info.  Thank you.   (Atish)

A6.  Info to be sent directly to participant who asked the question.

Q7. Where do the items for ranking on the STP come from, the individual PMOffices, EN, Tech Leads?

A7. It is an AFMC Command wide Roll-up


COMFRC AIT:  Brett Gardner


Q1.  Slide 8, Graph F/A-18, is the data presentment tool part of the SLAM STICK capability?

A1. Yes, it was actually developed as part of the viewer. It is embedded and was funded by PMA 255.

Q2.  Slide before the last one, indicates ATI as an innovation challenge partner.  Who is ATI?

A2. For more information on ATI refer to the brief.



03 – AFMC STP Priorities Brief v3