JTEG Technology Forum: Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) and GridRaster

Technology Forum Date: 25 January 2025  Slides and Flyer Attached. Recording available on Atlassian Confluence:  https://wiki.a2et.advana.data.mil/display/ASTECH/2025-01-28+MIC+Finalists

DMEA demonstrated their Technical Data Package (TDP) development capability and GridRaster demonstrated their capabilities  in 3D scanning, AI, and digital twin.




Item Notes

Time: 1:00

Opening Remarks: ODASD(Materiel Readiness): Ray Langlais
Solution Demonstrations Time: 1:05


Time: 1:40ish

Closing and Survey

Time: 2:30ish

Closing Remarks: ODASD(Materiel Readiness): Ray Langlais



  • Survey results downloaded to Excel:
    • < One or two weeks after forum, download survey results as Excel. >
Attendees: 85 (79 attendees + 6 presenters and moderators) 15 minutes after beginning;

30 minutes after beginning: 90 attendees

Meeting Recording

If you would like to see a recording of the forum, there are two options:


Option 1:

If you have a Common Access Card issued by the Department of Defense, you can find it near the bottom of this page: 2025-02-25 DMEA, GridRaster – Advanced Sustainment Technology – A2ET Confluence


Option 2:

Whether you have a DoD CAC or not, you can also see the video on the DoD SAFE (Secure Access File Exchange) site. I uploaded the video to DoD SAFE. It should have sent you an email notification. You have about seven days to download the video. After that, the DoD SAFE site will delete it.