Shipyard Exoskeleton
The purpose of the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG) is to improve coordination in the introduction of new or improved technology, new processes, or new equipment into Department of Defense Maintenance Activities. The JTEG will seek ways to better leverage technology improvements in maintenance through collaboration to support the higher DoD goals of improving effectiveness and efficiency.
Provide a forum for the exchange of information on new technology, processes, and equipment developments. Collect, analyze and disseminate maintenance requirements for new technology, processes, and equipment. Advocate for new technology or equipment with cross-service potential to increase efficiency. Facilitate joint service technology development.
A. The following outlines the activity framework and defines the type of tasks and deliverables the JTEG will produce:
1. Compile information on the Services’ current and future technology insertion projects and initiatives for organic depots.
2. Format the relevant technology information so it is useful throughout the depot maintenance enterprise and disseminate through a website and other easily accessible means.
3. Compile information on the Services current maintenance technology needs and disseminate to all appropriate DoD activities (laboratories, centers, maintenance activities headquarters).
4. Review depot maintenance requirements and capabilities across the Services and assist coordination amongst the Services to share knowledge and resources to improve efficiencies.
a. Consider technologies applicable to like or similar platforms.
b. Increase coordination to minimize technology duplication.
c. Promote emerging technologies that meet current and future joint requirements.
5. Conduct gap analysis on the Services’ technology needs and existing capabilities.
6. Publish reports to include metrics of the past year’s projects, the Services depot maintenance technology needs, and other appropriate information.
7. Be a strong advocate for projects that improve industrial processes, increase efficiencies, and/or reduce the environmental impact of depot maintenance.
The following directives and Joint Logistics Instructions are applicable to the JTEG and the Depot Maintenance Interservicing Program:
A. DoDD 4151.18, “Maintenance of Military Materiel”, 31 Mar 2004
B. OPNAVINST 4790.14A, “Joint Depot Maintenance (JDM) Program” Regulation, DTD 31 Mar 1999
C. AMC-R 750-10, ,”Joint Depot Maintenance (JDM) Program” Regulation, DTD 31 Mar 1999
D. OPNAVINST 4700.7L, “Maintenance Policy for US Navy Ships”, 25 May 2010
E. OPNAV Instruction 4790.2J “The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP)”
F. AFI 63-101, “Acquisition and Sustainment Life Cycle Management”, 3 Aug 2011
G. AR 750-1, “Army Materiel Maintenance Policy”, 20 Sep 2007
H. MCO 4790.19 “Depot Maintenance Policy”, 18 Jan 2001