JTEG Technology Forums – 7 January 2015

On 7 January, 2015 the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG) Principals and representatives conducted a teleconference where the group brainstormed new ideas for future monthly technology forums. The group identified about a dozen and a half possible technology areas for future forums. (Listed below)

JTEG Principals and Service representatives were asked to contact their depot and technology personnel over the next couple weeks to identify additional candidates. Once we have received the new candidates, the JTEG Principals will meet to down select which technology areas will be added to the monthly technology forum calendar. The proposed schedule is below:



7 Jan                Brainstorm technology ideas

7-21 Jan           Principals & reps inquire about new candidates amongst their Services

21 Jan              Send all new candidates to Ray Langlais at rlanglais@lmi.org

22-23 Jan         Consolidate all ideas and candidates and send to JTEG Principals with ranking instructions

26-30 Jan         JTEG Principals review the list and select/rank best candidates

4 Feb               JTEG Principals’ meeting – Down select top candidates and determine sequence

5 Feb               Add selected technology areas to calendar and JTEG website


Technology Areas Discussed on 7 January:

  • Composite Material Repair Update
  • Additive Manufacturing Update
  • Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) and Maintenance
  • Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI)
  • 3D Scanning Technologies
  • Alternate Energy / Energy Efficiencies
  • Intermittence Testing (Combined with advanced diagnostics/prognostics)
  • IUID “State of the Union”
  • Cold Spray repair Update
  • Reverse Engineering Processes
  • Corrosion Prevention and Control
  • Industrial Hygiene and Worker Safety
  • Ergonomics
  • Adaptive Manufacturing – Software Maintenance
  • Flexible Work Cells
  • Model Based Enterprise (MBE) Update
  • Items from the USAF top 10 STP


POC this action is Ray Langlais, LMI, rlanglais@lmi.org, (571) 633-8019