Description: The Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG) provides a forum for the exchange of information on new technology, processes, and equipment developments, and serves as an advocate for new technology or equipment with cross-service potential to increase efficiency. The JTEG objectives include:
- Identify sustainment technology solutions with the potential to improve maintenance efficiencies and /or effectiveness within the DoD.
- Advocate for new technology or equipment with cross-service potential to increase efficiency.
- Collaborate through forums, working groups, and workshops with the Military Services and agencies, academia, and industry to promote maintenance technology solutions.
Organization: The JTEG is open to all DoD, government, industry, and academia personnel operating in or supporting the DoD maintenance community. JTEG Principals represent each of the Military Services, the Defense Logistics Agency, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The JTEG conducts monthly virtual technology forums, open to the public, that showcase and demonstrate new technology solutions with potential to benefit the DoD maintenance community.
Next Technology Forum
04/29/2025 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm